Whether for work or play, Zoom has become a much bigger part of our lives since the start of 2020. And with remote working still a presence in many people’s lives, it seems unlikely that this will change short term. But as with any app that people rely on, there are security issues to consider when using Zoom, and a cybersecurity researcher recently raised two important ones.
At this year’s DEF CON, a hacker conference held in Las Vegas, cybersecurity expert Patrick Wardle revealed a couple of security issues with Zoom that could have major consequences for people with Zoom installed on your Mac
As Engadget reports, Warldle noted that the security check used by Zoom could be exploited in such a way that a hacker would gain access to the root directory of a Mac. Wardle told Zoom about the problem, but it appears that Zoom’s method of fixing it created another vulnerability, one that could cause an older, less secure version of Zoom to be installed instead of the more recent
Fortunately, Zoom is aware of these issues. The company told The Verge that they are now working on a patch that will fix them.
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